February 8th 4:03 pm | Jim Paulin ?
Saying that Shell has a bigger problem with its drill rigs than with the drilling itself, the state House last week endorsed more offshore exploratory oil drilling, in a resolution introduced by the Aleutians' state representative, Bob Herron, D-Bethel.
The Jan. 30 resolution said Shell's Arctic exploration activities "have faced technical setbacks not directly related to drilling, including the recent grounding of the Kulluk rig."
The Kulluk grounded near Kodiak on Dec. 31, in a fierce storm and broke loose from tug boats in the Gulf of Alaska, while transiting from Unalaska to Seattle.
In a telephone interview before last week's vote, Herron said the Gulf of Alaska has seen many shipwrecks involving all kinds of vessels over the years, which don't attract the ire of organizations philosophically opposed to oil exploration.
"It was unrelated to the activity the drilling rig does when it's in place and secure," Herron said.
The resolution said the state's economic future stands to greatly benefit from offshore oil development. It passed unanimously, 38-0, though one representative said his support for drilling doesn't excuse Shell's continuing maritime dysfunction.
"Shell should do its job better, to make my job easier," said Rep. Andrew Josephson, D-Anchorage, in a House session broadcast statewide on public television, viewed at Unalaska's Legislative Information Office.
The resolution stated that Shell's mishaps should be viewed as "valuable learning moments."
Shell also received support from Dillingham's state senator, Gary Stevens, R-Kodiak, in televised comments from the senate floor last Friday. He praised Shell for keeping the community of Kodiak well informed. He said uninhabited Sitkalidak Island where the Kulluk grounded is still "as pristine as it ever was," and is one of his favorite places to fish for silver salmon.
Herron's resolution also calling for the Alaska state government to be a "full state participation" in the federal Interior Department's review of Shell's 2012 arctic exploration activities prompted by the Kulluk grounding, echoing the same request by Gov. Sean Parnell.
Herron is Unalaska's new state representative because of redistricting, in a change that brings family ties to local representation in both chambers of the legislature.
Herron is the brother-in-law of Unalaska's senator, Lyman Hoffman, D-Bethel, since his wife is Hoffman's sister.
Herron said that while he is a Democrat in a Republican-dominated House, he not a minority member, because he has joined the 30-member "super majority" coalition composed of representatives of both parties. He said that connection makes him more effective.
Herron plans a visit to Unalaska this week, with an open house to meet constituents set for Friday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Legislative Information Office by the Safeway supermarket on 2029 Airport Beach Road. For more information, contact the LIO at 581-6605.
Jim Paulin can be reached paulinjim@yahoo.com
Contact us about this article at editor@thebristolbaytimes.com
Source: http://www.thebristolbaytimes.com/article/1306rep_herron_backs_more_offshore_oil
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